





15 risposte a “Contacts”

  1. Thank you so much for liking my post! ❤

    "Mi piace"

  2. Hello, I had a look at the Shin On Award, and I replied back. Thanks Again I appreciate it, and I link it back to you.

    "Mi piace"

  3. a La Recherche de Jane ha detto:

    No parla molto bene italiano,( mayo, francese,espagnol, on englese.)
    Thank you!
    Bona note!
    Evelyne .Pariggi. Marrakech.

    "Mi piace"

  4. Thank you for your like !

    "Mi piace"

  5. Thankyou for liking and taking an interest in my blog, God bless.

    "Mi piace"

  6. Thanks for the like 🙂 I love your blog!!

    "Mi piace"

  7. Thank you so very much for liking my blog post ! As promised, I always follow back, for my reward of a like or a follow and I must say that I absolutely adore your blog here. The concept is fantastic! I wish I was bi-lingual so I could follow in your footsteps of English / Italian / English / Italian or whatever my second language may be. Currently I’m most proficient in Espanol; however, that isn’t at the stage of fluency I want it to be! I have to keep working on that !

    I look forward to talking to you more and learning as much as I can from you! If you would help me learn Italian in our correspondence, that would be awesome! I will help you with whatever in the world you may need help with, I’m just one of those kind of “help, help, help others,” kind of guys! Look forward to talking to you soon!

    Best and thanks again,


    "Mi piace"

  8. Thank you for loving my post about godzilla the movie, it’s cool ^^. kiss 😀

    "Mi piace"

  9. Thanks for your like! Your blog is great! Ciao bella!!!

    "Mi piace"

  10. Carino il tuo blog, davvero molto faschion e faschion è anche la ragazza delle foto (immagino sia te…)

    "Mi piace"

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